
Our Weekly Eucharist is at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings.
ur worship is liturgical in form.
Our principle worship service, called a Celebration of Holy Eucharist,  is decidedly different from worship styles in many churches today; not better than nor superior to, simply different. 
For people looking for the serenity and inner peace that structure and familiarity offers, Episcopal worship may be for you!
Our worship calls upon ancient Christian tradition as well as modern forms and expressions. 
Our prayers are often read together,  and prayer can also be offered extemporaneously.
All that we do in worship is guided by the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer . 
We understand worship to be a multi-sensory, total body experience.  We stand to sing and praise God,  and to hear the Gospel read.  We sit to listen and learn, and we kneel to pray.
The Holy Eucharist, sometimes called the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion, is at the heart of our worship.  We give thanks for (that's what eucharist means) and are spiritually fed by Jesus as he gives himself to us in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.